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#1 2014-12-10 11:33:32

fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2009-05-03
Messages: 5912
Site web

~ Christmas Event ~


                                  Christmas comes to our dear valley!
                                So don’t dare to dilly-dally.

                                     Traited stallions wait for you
                                          Some are grey, some red, some blue,

                                    Fathers of foals they shall become
                                      and your mare will be the mum

                               Festively dressed in exclusive traits
                                 The stallions serve as Christmas mates.

Dear fellow breeders,
we’d love to start an internal Christmas-event for all players who regularly read in the forum.
Untraited stallions will be offered for all players to send in breeding requests. Shortly before those requests get accepted, the stallions will be generously equipped with exclusive traits by their owners. Of course, those traits will be removed after breeding immediately, so the suspense and surprise won’t be ruined.

Many stallions offered have a grey body, mane or hooves so they could possibly produce a misty foal in addition.

Below you find a list with participating players, the names of their stallions and the stallions’ races. Don’t be shy to send requests although you won’t be able to offer stallions yourself for others. This event is supposed to be an act of friendship for new players or those who lack of traits in general.

Nevertheless the requests you send should be limited to 5 per stallion to guarantee that as many players as possible get their chance for Christmas foals.

everything important in short

Breeding requests can be send from       December, the 10th 2014
All breeding requests get accepted on  December, the 20th 2014
Mares per stallion                5

Participating breeders     Offered stallions
ladyamaza             Wichtel (Love)
                             Wichtel (Love)
                             Wichtel (Love)

shinsengumi           Wichtel (Earth)
                             Wichtel (Earth)
                             Wichtel (Earth)
                             Wichtel (Earth)
                             Wichtel (Love)
                             Wichtel (Love)
                             Wichtel (Love)

myhinra                 Wichtel (Celestial)
                             Wichtel (Air)
                             Wichtel (Air)
                             Wichtel (Love)
                             Wichtel (Love)

cargo                     Wichtel (Earth)
                             Wichtel (Earth)
                             Wichtel (Celestial)
                             Wichtel (Celestial)
                             Wichtel (Fire)
                             Wichtel (Water)
                             Wichtel (Love)
                             Wichtel (Feline)
                             Wichtel (Air)
                             Wichtel (Pegasus)

sweet977                Nexus (Love)
                             Eddy (Love)

jonar                      Mister Matador (Pegasus)
                             Pauli (Feline)

themaster              helibeli (Pegasus)
                             Fred (Pegasus)
                             Bobbel (Pegasus)

tiger64                   Peter Alexander (Earth)
                             Mit Grau (Air)
                             Deckhengst (Love)
                             Wolken-Neuling (Celestial)
                             Wolken-Pharao (Celestial)

yaslina                   Wichtel (Celestial)
                             Wichtel (Water)
                             Wichtel (Love)
                             Wichtel (Love)
                             Wichtel (Earth)
                             Wichtel (Earth)
                             Wichtel (Earth)
                             Wichtel (Air)
                             Wichtel (Fire)
                             Wichtel (Fire)

nicolette04              Wichtel (Earth)
                             Wichtel (Earth)
                             Wichtel (Earth)
                             Wichtel (Earth)
                             Wichtel (Earth)
                             Wichtel (Earth)

fucal                      Mako (Feline)
                             Lukas der Goldnebel (Celestial)
                             Memphis (Fire)
                             Gräuling (Air)
                             Brutus der Gruselnebel (Earth)

lungtienxiang          Wichtel (Love)
                             Wichtel (Love)
                             Wichtel (Love)
                             Wichtel (Feline)
                             Wichtel (Feline)
                             Wichtel (Fire)
                             Wichtel (Fire)
                             Wichtel (Earth)
                             Wichtel (Earth)
                             Wichtel (Water)
                             Wichtel (Air)

Aleena-Lea             Wichtel (Love)
                             Wichtel (Love)
                             Wichtel (Pegasus)
                             Wichtel (Pegasus)
                             Wichtel (Pegasus)
                             Wichtel (Earth)
                             Wichtel (Earth)
                             Wichtel (Earth)
                             Wichtel (Feline)
                             Wichtel (Feline)
                             Wichtel (Feline)
                             Wichtel (Water)
                             Wichtel (Water)
                             Wichtel (Air)
                             Wichtel (Air)
                             Wichtel (Fire)

rosenrot                 Wichtel (Water)
                             Wichtel (Earth)
                             Wichtel (Feline)
                             Wichtel (Feline)
                             Wichtel (Air)
                             Wichtel (Fire)

nimu                      Ashes (Pegasus)

kinderengel            Wichtel (Fire)
                             Wichtel (Feline)
                             Wichtel (Feline)
                             Wichtel (Feline)
                             Wichtel (Water)

Cream Kurimu        Grey (Feuerpony)
                             Toki (Feuerpony)
                             Liun (Katzenpony)
                             Ziya Heartnet (Erdpony)
                             Tesseki (Liebespony)
                             Inzen Taru (Luftpony)
                             Kya (Luftpony)
                             Yen (Wasserpony)
                             Mitsu (Pegasus)
                             Etio (Sternenpony)

kaulitztwin              Wichtel (Celestial)
                             Wichtel (Pegasus)
                             Wichtel (Water)
                             Wichtel (Fire)
                             Wichtel (Feline)
                             Wichtel (Love)
                             Wichtel (Earth)

P.S.: The name "Wichtel" means "imp" or "gnome" in English, they "do a secret Santa" in German tradition, hence the frequency of "Wichtel" as name for the offered stallions. ^.^

"Dimmi, mente amantissima mia..." ~ Leonardo da Vinci

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#2 2014-12-11 23:40:53

fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2010-08-27
Messages: 112

Re: ~ Christmas Event ~

Wow, such a wonderful event! Thank you so much for doing this, guys. :) You're the best.
And the image is sooo cute. I love it.

P.S. I'm suprised there are no comments yet...

~ Rai

PS player, PV V1 player, now PV V2 player!

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#3 2014-12-12 00:41:29

fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2009-05-03
Messages: 5912
Site web

Re: ~ Christmas Event ~

The English forum isn't that active. ^.^ And many prepare for Christmas already, buying gifts and planing meals... and might not have enough time to read in the forum. But there are enough days left for the other "forum-peekers" to stumble across the event and take part. :D

"Dimmi, mente amantissima mia..." ~ Leonardo da Vinci

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#4 2014-12-13 01:17:43

fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2010-08-27
Messages: 112

Re: ~ Christmas Event ~

Such a pity. I love this game. :)

By the way, kinderengel accepted all my requests. I'm not sure if that's the way it should work... :)

~ Rai

PS player, PV V1 player, now PV V2 player!

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#5 2014-12-13 01:41:35

fiche Eleveur
mea culpa
Date d'inscription: 2007-02-15
Messages: 2096

Re: ~ Christmas Event ~

Oh, no, she should not have accepted the request jet. They are supposed to be accepted on december the 20th.

I wrote it into the german thread again.

And it's killin' me when you're away - I wanna leave and I wanna stay.
I'm so confused - So hard to choose - Between the pleasure and the pain!                            Apocalyptica - Not Strong Enough

free traited stallions - name "frei" / freie GenHengste - Name "frei"

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#6 2014-12-14 00:05:54

fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2010-08-27
Messages: 112

Re: ~ Christmas Event ~

No problem at all. :) I hope many players will have fun with this great event. :) Thank you once again!

~ Rai

PS player, PV V1 player, now PV V2 player!

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#7 2014-12-14 04:19:03

fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2012-04-26
Messages: 714

Re: ~ Christmas Event ~

Is it too late too submit ones stallions to this? I have a lot of boys and traits that would love to help out as well :)

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#8 2014-12-14 05:00:34

fiche Eleveur
mea culpa
Date d'inscription: 2007-02-15
Messages: 2096

Re: ~ Christmas Event ~

Of course you can submit your stallions! We will happyly add your boys to the list. Catitiz_PDT_03

And it's killin' me when you're away - I wanna leave and I wanna stay.
I'm so confused - So hard to choose - Between the pleasure and the pain!                            Apocalyptica - Not Strong Enough

free traited stallions - name "frei" / freie GenHengste - Name "frei"

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#9 2014-12-14 12:07:20

fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2012-04-26
Messages: 714

Re: ~ Christmas Event ~

Great! I named one of each breed Wichtel to make it easier for everyone to search for them. Most of them are fully grey :)

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#10 2014-12-16 13:10:09

fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2010-08-27
Messages: 112

Re: ~ Christmas Event ~

Lucky me!
Thank you very much kinderengel!

~ Rai

PS player, PV V1 player, now PV V2 player!

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#11 2014-12-20 10:04:54

fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2012-04-26
Messages: 714

Re: ~ Christmas Event ~

Breeding requests can be send from       December, the 10th 2014
All breeding requests get accepted on  December, the 20th 2014

I think all breeding request older than a week disappear from the alter of love. I know I had some breeding request to accept for this event that is no longer there :(

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#12 2014-12-20 11:28:55

fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2009-05-03
Messages: 5912
Site web

Re: ~ Christmas Event ~

We haven't thought of this nasty detail, kaulitztwin. And we're sorry about it. We'll start the event later next year to prevent participants from this weird regulation.
I thought requests would stay active for at least 7 days before disappearing, but after they set the pregnancy days for the mares from 7 days down to 4, the programming for the Altar of Love changed as well. :S
The only thing you can do when your breeding requests disappear from the list, is sending new ones. A true roundabout-way... :(

"Dimmi, mente amantissima mia..." ~ Leonardo da Vinci

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#13 2014-12-20 19:08:31

fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2012-04-26
Messages: 714

Re: ~ Christmas Event ~

Yes but these were requests sent to me and now they think I ignored them Catitiz_PDT_24

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#14 2014-12-20 20:07:28

fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2009-05-03
Messages: 5912
Site web

Re: ~ Christmas Event ~

No, they don't. An ignored request sends out a note to the breeder saying it was refused. :)

"Dimmi, mente amantissima mia..." ~ Leonardo da Vinci

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#15 2014-12-23 01:58:11

fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2010-11-30
Messages: 235

Re: ~ Christmas Event ~

Thank you Aleena! I got an indigo misty foal and the Winter Bride coat.


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#16 2014-12-23 13:07:28

fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2012-04-26
Messages: 714

Re: ~ Christmas Event ~

Congrats Dusty! I had 15 naked foals today but I'm crossing my fingers for tomorrow :)

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#17 2014-12-23 20:44:49

fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2010-08-27
Messages: 112

Re: ~ Christmas Event ~

I got only one IT - Tattoo Morgan le Fay - from Aleena-Lea. :)

And two misty ponies:

First from lungtienxiang

Second from shinsengumi

And I kept a bunch of other foals which I just found reaaaally cute.

Thank you all so much for this event! I had so much fun scrolling through my Nursery today! ♥ Have a wonderfull Christmas!!

Dernière modification par 20032408 (2014-12-23 20:45:10)

~ Rai

PS player, PV V1 player, now PV V2 player!

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#18 2014-12-23 21:04:16

fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2009-05-03
Messages: 5912
Site web

Re: ~ Christmas Event ~

Oh girls, it's not even Christmas. Have you opened all your advent calendar doors already as well?

"Dimmi, mente amantissima mia..." ~ Leonardo da Vinci

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#19 2014-12-23 23:03:06

fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2010-08-27
Messages: 112

Re: ~ Christmas Event ~

I didn't use any potions. I just found all foals in the Nursery today. Tomorrow I'm not getting anything. :(

~ Rai

PS player, PV V1 player, now PV V2 player!

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#20 2014-12-23 23:27:40

fiche Eleveur
mea culpa
Date d'inscription: 2007-02-15
Messages: 2096

Re: ~ Christmas Event ~

Maybee thats because we accepted the requests, you send days bevor the 20th. Catitiz_PDT_19

EDIT: ok, from my 24 foals I got one I will keep - no traits sadly


Thanx, Shin - I love the little one. Catitiz_PDT_03

And it's killin' me when you're away - I wanna leave and I wanna stay.
I'm so confused - So hard to choose - Between the pleasure and the pain!                            Apocalyptica - Not Strong Enough

free traited stallions - name "frei" / freie GenHengste - Name "frei"

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#21 2014-12-24 00:49:33

fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2009-05-03
Messages: 5912
Site web

Re: ~ Christmas Event ~

Here's my misty surprise of the day. ^.^


Thanks Lea for this cuty. :D

"Dimmi, mente amantissima mia..." ~ Leonardo da Vinci

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#22 2014-12-24 01:22:07

fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2010-08-27
Messages: 112

Re: ~ Christmas Event ~

Aleena-Lea a écrit:

Maybee thats because we accepted the requests, you send days bevor the 20th. Catitiz_PDT_19

I sent all my requests on 19th of December. So it seems you accepted them then.
Requests I sent on 11th of December weren't accepted. They just dissapeard. So... :P

Shins, Aleena, congrats! :)

~ Rai

PS player, PV V1 player, now PV V2 player!

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#23 2014-12-24 01:29:04

fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2009-05-03
Messages: 5912
Site web

Re: ~ Christmas Event ~

Our time zones aren't that different if your signatures tells me right.
Lea was too early then? *twinkle, twinkle*

"Dimmi, mente amantissima mia..." ~ Leonardo da Vinci

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#24 2014-12-24 01:34:19

fiche Eleveur
mea culpa
Date d'inscription: 2007-02-15
Messages: 2096

Re: ~ Christmas Event ~

Nope, i wasn´t too early. I accepted them on the 20th, afternoon. But I think because you sent them on the 19th, the  system automatically dated them one day ahead, when I accepted them.

And it's killin' me when you're away - I wanna leave and I wanna stay.
I'm so confused - So hard to choose - Between the pleasure and the pain!                            Apocalyptica - Not Strong Enough

free traited stallions - name "frei" / freie GenHengste - Name "frei"

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#25 2014-12-24 01:56:19

fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2010-08-27
Messages: 112

Re: ~ Christmas Event ~

That's a bit strange actually. And I'm pretty sure, when I logged in on the 20th 0:01 am (I mean a minute just after a new day on PV. I almost always check PV right after it's 0:01 am :D), all requests were still "pending". And you really accepted them all later on the 20th. Including Aleena-Lea, Shins too and others...
Maybe that's a bug? Becouse I sent them on the 19th, their accepting time was bugged or something like that?

Dernière modification par 20032408 (2014-12-24 03:58:26)

~ Rai

PS player, PV V1 player, now PV V2 player!

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